IT Accessibility Best Practices for Researchers

Table of contents


The University of Maryland is committed to creating and maintaining a welcoming and inclusive educational and working environment for people of all abilities, and to assuring equal access to information and services for all its constituencies.

It is important that all research activities are performed and designed consistent with the following IT accessibility guidelines:

  1. The University System of Maryland Web Accessibility guidelines determines that accessibility within all USM websites and web accessibility guidelines should be adhered to on each campus. These guidelines are aligned with the UMD web accessibility policy and need to be used for website accessibility in the areas of development, auditing, correcting, and monitoring. The University strictly adheres to USM website accessibility guidelines.
  2. The University of Maryland Web Accessibility Policy sets the minimum standards for the accessibility of all University web-based information used to conduct University business and academic activities. 

This document provides relevant information for researchers looking to learn more about IT accessibility, including accessibility best practices for research such as:

The article also includes IT accessibility resources and requirements relevant to the research activity and information on how to contact UMD experts to get support.


Accessibility best practices for research

Pre-award - planning your grant proposal


Conduct research with people with disabilities


Relevant information related to the procurement of technologies used in research

All technology procurements, including technology for research and development, need to follow the compliance review process for security, privacy, and accessibility.


Report research in an inclusive way


IT accessibility resources and requirements relevant to research activity


Get support
