Best Practices for Panopto Security

Table of contents

Panopto Everything tab

The Panopto Everything tab contains all University of Maryland (UMD) Panopto video assets, including your own, individual Panopto videos. Your own, individual Panopto videos will appear on the Everything tab and you will be able to see all of your Panopto videos listed. You determine the visibility and searchability of these videos based on video permissions you apply to Panopto folders you own. 


Sharing and folder permissions

By default, all new Panopto folders (ELMS-Canvas courses or folders created in are only shared with specific users in that folder. The permissions, by default, are set to Restricted which includes Creators (users who can create and publish content) and viewers (users who can view) who have access to the folder. DIT recommends that you set folder permissions to Restricted in Panopto, particularly for folders associated with an ELMS-Canvas course space.
NOTE: Certain student, faculty and staff information and privacy are protected by federal, state and other laws. Be sure you are meeting legal standards when using UMD audiovisual recording systems. Learn how to protect yourself and other UMD community members by reading this article on how to protect student privacy and personally-Identifiable Information in UMD audiovisual recording systems.

Below are categories of the sharing permissions:


Download videos

The ability to download a folder and videos is limited to UMD Panopto administrators and Creators only, by default. DIT recommends that users leave the setting Use Site Default so that only Creators in that folder can download Panopto videos, if needed. For more information, visit How to Enable Podcast Downloads in the Viewer Per Folder or Video.



By default, all Panopto videos created within a specific folder are available to Panopto Viewers immediately after uploading and processing is complete. Folders or individual videos can be made available after a start date and before an end date. Creators can prevent new sessions from being published to Viewers by setting folder availability to never. Videos can then be made available by editing or by setting availability for each individual video. For more information, visit How to Publish Videos Using the Availability Workflow.


Copy and move videos 

Copied Panopto videos will inherit the same Creator and Viewer permissions from the original folder. For more information, visit How to Copy and Move Sessions.

NOTE: In Panopto documentation session and video are synonymous.
