Upload a Video to Panopto

Panopto is most commonly known as a lecture capture and video creation tool, but you can upload previously created videos into your Panopto course folders as well. To do this, follow the steps below.

  1. Navigate to your ELMS-Canvas course space and click on the Panopto Recordings tab in the left-hand navigation menu.
    NOTE: To enable this tab, click on settings and enable Panopto Recordings. Click Save.
  2. Next, click on the green Create drop-down menu within your course Panopto Recordings folder.
    ELMS-Canvas course space with an arrow pointing at the Panopto Recordings 'Create' button.
  3. Choose Upload media from the drop-down menu.
    'Create' drop-down menu.
  4. Drag your video or audio files into the window or click to find to search and upload media from your computer.
  5. Once you see the Upload complete message you can close the window and wait for the video to complete processing. It can now be viewed by students in your course.