University Guidelines for Google Sites

Table of Contents

About Google sites


New vs. classic Google sites

Classic Google sites

New Google sites

Google support documents


Usage and limitations




Create a UMD-branded Google site

Use these guidelines to create an official University of Maryland Google site with university branding. Creation of UMD-branded sites is open to faculty, staff and students. Google also provides instructions on the basics of creating and managing your site at Sites Help.
  1. Download UMD Graphics available in Google Drive (21MB zip file)
    • The graphics download contains the UMD primary wordmark with black or white type and transparent background.
    • It is specifically designed for use with Google sites.
    • The download also includes UMD color background graphics, UMD's website icon (favicon), general campus photos and social media icons.
    • This resource is available to UMD Google Workspace accounts.
  2. Set up a site with university branding. Use one of the two preferred themes available on Google Sites. These themes are found in the right-hand column by clicking the Themes link. Start with the following settings:
    • Simple Theme
      Font style: Light
      Custom color: UMD Red #E21833

      Simple Theme example.

    • Vision Theme
      Font style: Bold
      Custom color: UMD Red #E21833

      Vision Theme example.

  3. Configure the header. Google does not provide options to select a solid color for the header background, but it does let you upload images. The download graphics include UMD color PNGs for the headers.
    • For the header background, select preferred banner style: cover, large, banner, title only.
    • For the UMD Red solid-color graphic, turn off auto adjust for readability, located at bottom right of the image to maintain correct hue
    • For other graphics or photos, leave on auto adjust for readability.
  4. Apply the UMD logo to the header.
    1. Hover over the top left of the header.
    2. Click the Add logo option that appears.
    3. Select the UMD logo appropriate for the background color. For a light background, use the black version. For a dark background, use the white version.
    4. Select Transparent for the background.
  5. Configure the footer.
    1. In the right column, select Insert.
    2. Click the Text box.
    3. In the text box, copy and paste the following:

      © University of Maryland All rights reserved  /  Web Accessibility 

    4. Select typestyle Small.
    5. Center the text. 

      NOTE: Bold type and links will transfer with copy/paste.

    6. Click the artist palette icon to the left of the text (section background) to change the section color.
    7. Select Emphasis 1 for the style.
    8. Move the footer to the bottom of the page.

      Footer highlighted on example webpage.

  6. Add pages.
    • Header and footer configuration will be applied to any additional pages.
    • Each page banner style will need to be applied individually. 


Training and resources





Yellow header, Light font and footer.

Red header reading Contact us, Light font and survey.

Header and Footer example.
