Pre-Built Report Access Request for the Data Warehouse

Table of contents

About this form

The PHR Service Office Reports and Registrar Reports Request form allows you to request access to two sets of pre-built (i.e. canned) reports. While some pre-built reports are open to the campus, these reports are only accessible to customers who have requested access via this form. 

Pre-built reports are written by data managers and other campus analysts to answer business questions and are delivered through various reporting systems. PHR Service Office Reports are provided through the platform. Registrar Reports are provided through the platform.  Based on the features of each reporting platform, some pre-built reports are interactive and allow customers to filter the report to their area of interest. You may also hear canned reports referred to by other names such as WOW, Warehouse on the Web, Executive Reports or Profiles Reports.

This form is not for requesting ad hoc access to write your own queries from scratch. For instructions to request ad hoc access, see Ad Hoc Query Access Request for the Data Warehouse.  It is possible to have both ad hoc query access and access to pre-built reports.


Completing the form

Requested for

By default, the form will list you in the Requested for field and automatically populate your contact information. 

Unit Head

Select the individual who should approve your request.  Someone who is director-level or higher must approve the request before Data Stewards review the request. By default, the list is filtered to your department.  Use the "I don't see my unit head listed" checkbox to un-filter the list. 

What action are you requesting?

Indicate whether you are requesting access for the first time (new report account), requesting additional access (add reports to an existing account), or replacing your current access with a different set of reports or units (change dept/function).

What reports do you need access to?

After submitting the form, approval requests will be sent to your unit head and the relevant data stewards for each requested report type. You may be rejected for some reports, but be approved for others. For more information, see UMD Data Stewardship Overview.

Approval or rejection will usually require a few weeks. You may track your request progress via the My Cases view from the IT Support homepage, or by following the links provided in the status emails you receive.


Access instructions

The reports granted via this form are delivered via multiple platforms.  These platforms may also have reports that are available to the campus and/or the public.

Other reports are available via other platforms.
