Create an Organization Using the ELMS-Canvas Management Tool

ELMS-Canvas course spaces are automatically created for term-based course use. It is also possible to request an ELMS-Canvas course space for other purposes. Individuals with a faculty or staff role in the University can make these requests.

  1. Go to the ELMS management tool and log in with your Directory ID credentials.
  2. Click on the Create Organizations link in the EMT toolbar.
  3. Enter a name for the organization space (limited to 256 characters) in the Name field.
  4. Enter a short name for the organization (limited to 20 characters) in the Short Name field.  Think of this as an acronym similar to that provided for a term-based course (for example, UNIV100-FC03).
  5. Provide a brief description of the purpose of the space in the Notes on Usage field.
  6. Select the organization type that best matches the needs of your course space from the Type options. For instance, if you plan to use the space to house resumes for review by a department committee, the Committee type might be appropriate.  Or, if you are creating a draft version of a course space that will eventually be imported into a term-based space, the Master Course option would be appropriate. There are no wrong choices when selecting a type.
  7. Decide whether the course will be in a published state when it is created. Usually you will want to uncheck the Publish immediately option.
  8. Click the Create Organization button.
  9. Click the Go to "name of your organization" link to access the new course space. Or, log into ELMS-Canvas and locate the new course space via the Courses link.

At first, there will be only one participant visible via the People link. That participant is the creator of the course, who will have a teacher role. Anyone with a teacher role in the space can add other participants to the course. Read Manage Enrollments in ELMS-Canvas for details .