Siteimprove Admin Quick Guide

Table of contents

Become familiar with Siteimprove

Check out the getting started for new users article. The purpose of this article is to provide a short list of essential interactive tutorials that will be useful for new users added to the Siteimprove services. It includes a list of tutorials, which are step-by-step guides which take place within the Siteimprove to help users get up and running using the tools as soon a possible.


Manage sites 

Add or delete a site

Email to request a site be deleted or added to your account. 

From the time your website is added, crawling should take 1-3 days. The crawl duration varies depending on the number of pages on your site and the number of sites on your account crawling simultaneously. 

Edit sites

Administrators may edit the name of their sites. Please name your website starting with your college or division's code (that is, BSOS, CMNS, PRES, VPSA and so on).

To edit your site:

  1. Go to Settings and then Sites in Siteimprove.
  2. Click on the name of the site to edit the name.


Add or exclude content from a crawl

Adding and removing additional domains, folders or individual pages is handled using aliases and exclusions. By adding aliases and exclusions we can control how the Siteimprove crawler evaluates pages that match our entries. See the following articles for additional information:


Re-crawl entire site

By default, Siteimprove servers crawl your website every 5 days. Administrators and users have the ability to re-crawl a entire site. Crawl duration varies depending on the number of pages on your site and the number of sites on your account crawling simultaneously.

We strongly recommend that you only re-crawl your pages and groups versus re-crawling the entire site to avoid overloading the system.


Manage users

Add new users

Request a new user to create an account by logging in with UMD credentials at After a user account has been created. An administrator can edit the user site access.

Edit users site access

After account was created the unit administrator may edit the user "site access".

  1. Go to Settings, then click Manage Users.
  2. Search for user name.
  3. To edit a user's settings, click their name.
  4. In the My site access section, you'll see what access rights this user has.
  5. Click Edit site access if you want to edit a user's access to sites, groups or specific sections of Siteimprove.
  6. Select the sites you want to grant permission to this user. 

Per terms of Siteimprove Service Level Agreement, administrators may only grant access to users to the sites that they manage. Learn more about how to edit user settings.


Create a group

Groups are used to display information for specific sections of the website. A Group in Siteimprove refers to certain amount of pages with a common element in the URL, breadcrumb or page title. Groups are especially useful if multiple editors are responsible for different areas of the website. To learn more, view the What is a group? article.


Scan your website behind authentication

The Siteimprove tool only crawls public websites. UMD users can use Siteimprove Accessibility Checker Chrome Extension to scan websites behind CAS or other authentication. The Chrome extension scans one page at the time.


Add Siteimprove analytics JavaScript to your website

Adding the Siteimprove script to your website allows you to set criteria for order in which issues and errors are reported (that is, number of page views in the last 30 days, clicks on PDFs on last 30 days). See tutorial on how to add Siteimprove analytics JavaScript to your website.

The following script must be used by UMD users: 

(function() { var sz = document.createElement('script');
sz.type = 'text/javascript';
sz.async = true;
sz.src = '//';
var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0];
s.parentNode.insertBefore(sz, s);


Add Siteimprove CMS plugin

The Siteimprove CMS Plugin bridges the gap between a customer's content management system (CMS) and the Siteimprove suite of services. The CMS Plugin allows users to take full advantage of Siteimprove tool from within the content management system CMS. This means, for example, that editors can instantly scan pages and address issues on newly published pages. You may check the CMS versions supported by Siteimprove CMS plugin

Contact Siteimprove at if you have questions about the CMS Plugin.

Schedule reports

Reports can help you distribute Siteimprove data to key stakeholders on your team.  Reports can be scheduled in Quality Assurance, Accessibility, SEO, and Policy. When scheduling a report, you can choose between a report being sent out every month or after each crawl (typically every five days). Learn more about how to set up and schedule a report.


Participate or request training

Siteimprove online training

Siteimprove offers the following online training and support material:

DIT training or consultation

Contact to request an individual or a departmental training or consultation session through the Division of Information Technology (DIT).


Get support 

Siteimprove has a very comprehensive list of tutorials, knowledge articles and training materials in their Siteimprove Help Center. Contact the Siteimprove help center directly to ask general questions and to address technical issues at

Contact the DIT IT accessibility team at
