Bulk Add/Remove Subscribers

Table of contents

Creating a subscriber list

You can add multiple subscribers to a mailing list by composing the a subscriber list in Microsoft Excel for Windows or Mac (see below for instructions) then importing the list with the UMD Mail Management Interface.

To create a subscriber list:

  1. Create a plain text file listing all the subscribers you wish to add using:
    • Text Edit for Mac
    • Notepad for Windows.

      List of subscribers in a plain text file
  2. List subscribers in the following format:

  3. Copy the subscriber email addresses into column A of a new Excel spreadsheet,
  4. Enter the names of the subscribers in column B.
  5. The next steps vary according to your operating system.



  1. Click File - > Export -> Change File Format to Text (Tab delimited)
  2. Click Save As.
  3. Choose a name and location that you will remember and click Save.

    Windows excel



  1. Click File ->Save As. 
  2. Enter the name of the file in the Save As field.
  3. Click the drop down next to File Format and choose Tab delimited Text (.txt)
  4. Click Save.
    Text delimited save as


Mailing list management interface

To import the list you have created in Excel to UMD Listserv list, follow the steps below:

  1. Sign into the https://listserv.umd.edu/
  2. Expand LIST Management and then choose Subscriber Reports 


       3. Choose your list type it up in the Filter filed and click Update or choose it from the Select List. Once the lsit is selected, click on Bulk Operations


      4. Click Choose File and find the plain text file you saved.  

      5. Click on the applicable Function to what you are trying to do. Click Import.

      6. If you receive a ADD: no error... notification, you have completed the process and all the users are where they should be. 
