Add a Subscriber to a Listserv

NOTE: Off-campus access to the Listserv service's web interface requires a connection to GlobalProtect VPN.

Subscribers can be added to a listserv using the Mailing list management interface at the UMD Listserv site. To learn how to add subscribers to a listserv, follow the steps below.

  1. Sign in to the LISTSERV - Subscription Management - LISTSERV.UMD.EDU.
  2. Click on the List Management tab and select Subscriber Management.
  3. Search for the lists you own by your User ID then click Update.


  4. Select the list to manage the subscribers for.
  5. Enter the email address and name of the individual you are adding to the list in the Add a new user to the list section.
  6. Choose whether or not you wish to send a welcome message by selecting Send Email Notification or Do Not Notify the User.
  7. Click Add to [Your List].

A notification will be displayed at the top of the page similar to the one in the section Add a new user to the list. This notice signifies that the subscription was added.