Edge Network Operations Guidelines

Table of Contents

IP Phones

To ensure proper voice quality and 911 services, all IP Phones must be attached directly to a data jack and cannot be connected to hubs or switches.


All user cables must remain within a room and cannot be extended through doorways, walls, ceilings, etc..  Cables leaving a room are a fire and safety violation and could inadvertently contribute to physical Ethernet loops, which can cause network outages.

All data jack to network device cables must be 14 feet or shorter. The network is designed with this length in mind and, if ignored, can lead to intermittent or poor performance.

Network Devices

Wireless Access Points

Wireless Access Points cannot be connected to the campus network as they interfere with campus wide wireless coverage provided by DIT and pose a security threat to the campus network.


Computer labs and server farms may be run with user supplied switches. DIT recommends a higher speed server connection for these instances.

DIT does not recommend hubs and switches for use in offices, however it understands departments may wish to do this in some situations. When hubs and switches are used:

NAT devices should not be used unless all machines behind the NAT device have been registered for use on the campus network via the ordering process.

DHCP Servers

Departments wishing to run a DHCP server must first contact the ENO. By default, all DHCP server traffic is blocked at the data jack level to prevent a home network device that is improperly plugged into the data jack from interfering with the network.