UMD Enterprise Directory: Best Practices

Table of contents

Secure LDAP

Unless anonymous searches are being done, all LDAP operations must be performed over a secure connection: either SSL on port 636 or TLS on port 389. The server uses a commercially signed certificate from Thawte.



Authentication and authorization should be handled as two separate operations by applications: authentication is the proof of identity (e.g. uid & passphrase) whereas authorization is the determination rights or privileges (e.g. membership is a specific department).

Applications which require simple authentication should consider using the CAS-based CAS Login. DIT also supports Shibboleth and ActiveDirectory. 


Efficient queries

It is much more efficient to include an explicit list of attributes to be returned rather than omitting the attribute list. In the latter case, the server must select all of the attributes for an object and then determine which ones the ACLs allow you to access. Also, explicit attribute lists allow for effective auditing.

When testing for the existence of an object, use the string "1.1" as the attribute list. This is the "no attributes" attribute and indicates that the server should not look up or return any attributes.

Negative clauses in search filters are very inefficient and should be avoided whenever possible. For example, use (umStudent=FALSE) rather than (!(umStudent=TRUE)). The one exception to this rule is testing for the non-existence of an attribute, e.g. (!(umTermDate=*)).


Search base

The UMD root suffix is dc=umd,dc=edu and should be used as the search base.


Search limits

The default search limit for applications is 1000 entries; higher search limits can be granted with appropriate approval. Applications with higher limits should use paged results whenever possible to improve efficiency. For more information please contact the Directory administrators in DIT Technical Services and Support (TSS).


Person schema

An annotated schema of person attributes can be viewed in the Person Schema article


Server version

We are currently running the OpenLDAP server version 2.4.47.



Here is a selection of RFCs relating to LDAP:

4510      Technical Specification Road Map         
4511 Protocol
4512 Directory Information Models
4515 Search Filters
2696 Paged Results
2849 LDF Format
