Student Guidelines for Network Computer Use

The University of Maryland provides students with the capability to connect their computers to the university network in the residence halls, the houses on Fraternity Row, via wireless access points located throughout the campus, and at network jacks in select public locations. This access is provided for the purpose of facilitating student academic activity, whether or not such activity directly relates to formal course work. There are restraints on network use as stated in law and the university's Policy on the Acceptable Use of Information Technology Resources. There are restrictions placed on usage based upon the need for security and the costs associated with providing network services.

These are the rules that you need to know and follow if you connect your computer to the university network:

Users of the Campus Data Network must also read and agree to the university's Policy on the Acceptable Use of Information Technology Resources. As stated in the Acceptable Use Policy, resident students may not use their network connection to receive or distribute copyrighted material without permission, including the unauthorized storage or distribution of software, motion pictures, videos, and music. Unauthorized distribution of copyrighted material, including unauthorized peer-to-peer file sharing, may subject the student user to civil and criminal liabilities.

NOTE: Violation of these Guidelines may result in revocation of one's right to use the network, disciplinary action, and/or legal action.

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