Manage Participants in ELMS-Canvas Spaces

Table of contents

Faculty and course owners have the ability to add participants to their course spaces in different ways. For term-based courses in which certain roles like students and teaching assistants are automatically enrolled via SIS, an instructor can use the ELMS Management Tool (Manage Enrollments) to add other individuals, such as ADA observers, to their course space. For non-term-based spaces (e.g., organization spaces) please see Manage enrollments in non-term based organization spaces.

Who is automatically enrolled in a term-based course space?

The following instructional roles are added to Teacher Collect by College Department Schedulers and then loaded into ELMS-Canvas via SIS:

To add a teaching assistant (TA), faculty must submit a request to your department scheduler. It is not a role that can be generated and enrolled by the ELMS-Canvas Management Tools (EMT) Manage Enrollments tool.

Likewise, students are enrolled in ELMS-Canvas through the normal registration process and then loaded into ELMS-Canvas as a student role via SIS.  Requests to enroll student who are auditing a course must still go through the traditional SIS enrollment process. According to the University of Maryland (UMD) Registrar, audit is a student enrollment option.


What additional roles can be added to term-based course spaces?

Roles that instructors can request and manage via the EMT Manage Enrollments feature are identified below. These roles can be requested using EMT for courses that do not date back before the three previous terms. Requests to add roles to courses older than three terms should be made to

You should use the EMT Manage Enrollments tool to add:

  1. Designer
  2. Observer
  3. Guest Instructor
  4. Instructional Colleague

For more information on the functions of these roles and the permissions, see Permissions for User Roles in ELMS-Canvas.

For information on ELMS-Canvas administrative Roles, see Enterprise Instructional Technology Systems Compliance Procedures.

Remember, the following roles MUST be added by your college scheduler:

  1. TA
  2. Co-instructor
  3. Grader
  4. Course manager

You should not request a second teacher (primary instructor) be added to your course; instead, you should request a co-instructor.

All of these roles can be added to "active" term-based courses which are defined as follows:

Instructors cannot enroll a person who does not have a University Directory ID. Non-UMD colleagues must first request an Associate Account, which will include a University Directory ID.


How to manage enrollments with the EMT

As an instructor, course manager or ELMS-Canvas administrator, you can add Instructional Colleagues, Guest Instructors, Observers or Designers to a course. To do so, follow these instructions:

  1. Go to ELMS Management Tool and log in with your University Directory ID credentials.
  2. Click the Manage Enrollments link in the EMT menu.
    EMT menu with an arrow pointed to manage enrollments
  3. Select the course term.
  4. You will see a list of all courses where you are listed as the instructor. Click on a course id.
  5. In the Select Section area, click Course Level.
  6. Enter the University Directory ID or UID of the individuals to be added in a specific role in the Add Users: field. You may add more than one person at a time as long as they will share the same role. If you are enrolling multiple people in different roles, you must first submit the request for one role before entering the names and identifying a second role.
  7. Click the radio button in the Select Role field to assign a role to the individuals listed in Add Users.
  8. Click Submit.

Request status

The Request Status field at the bottom of the Manage Enrollments form will display the status of your user requests. Status options are:


Observers and instructional colleague requests

Requests for observers or instructional colleagues are approved automatically. 


Designers and guest instructors requests

Requests for Designers and Guest Instructors will be manually approved within 24 business hours. Individuals enrolled as Designers or Guest Instructors receive information about FERPA requirements in an email and the requester receives an email confirming the approval.


Remove Instructional Colleagues, Guest Instructors, Observers or Designers from term-based course spaces

Instructors can also remove Instructional Colleagues, Guest Instructors, Observers or Designers from term-based course spaces.  To do so, follow these instructions:

  1. Go to ELMS Management Tool and log in with your University Directory ID credentials.
  2. Click the Manage Enrollments link in the EMT menu.
    EMT menu with an arrow pointed to manage enrollments
  3. Select the course term.
  4. You will see a list of all courses where you are listed as the instructor. Click on a course id.
  5. In the Select Section area, click Course Level.
  6. A list of current Instructional Colleagues, Guest Instructors, Observers or Designers will appear at the bottom of the page.  Click the Login ID/s for the individual/s you want to remove from the term-based course space. 
  7. In Toggle Request Status area, click Delete.
