This article will describe how to import course content and Panopto Recordings between courses, copy a course asset from one course to another, or share a course asset with another instructor or instructors.
This feature is used primarily to import all of the content from a previous term course space into the current term course space. The process is initiated from the new course space.
ELMS-Canvas allows you to import content such as files, assignments, discussion topics, modules, pages, and Panopto recordings from existing ELMS-Canvas spaces into a new ELMS-Canvas space. To initiate this process, follow the steps below:
At this point, you have two options.
To import all content from the select course:
To import specific content, but not the entire course:
A progress bar shows the status of the import. Importing can take up to two hours to complete. You will be notified via email that your course has been copied successfully.
AFTER you have run the Import Course Content, click on the Panopto Recordings tab in the vertical lefthand ELMS-Canvas navigation. The act of clicking on Panopto Recordings in the left-hand navigation of ELMS-Canvas for the first time is what provisions a folder for the ELMS-Canvas space in Panopto. After clicking on Panopto Recordings in the ELMS-Canvas navigation, imported videos will take up to 24 hours to appear. If any of the recordings have not been viewed in 13 months or more, then restore archived content. You can remove Panopto recordings from the ELMS-Canvas course by following these How to Use the Recycle Bin and Permanently Delete Recordings directions. Review the recordings to make sure you are Protecting Student Privacy and Personally Identifiable Information.
IMPORTANT: If you click the Panopto Recordings tab in the ELMS-Canvas navigation BEFORE you run the Import Course Content, then the Panopto recordings WILL NOT import.
This feature enables you to copy a specific element (assignment, quiz, discussion, survey, page) from one course space to another course space in which you are the instructor, co-instructor, course manager, TA or designer. The process is initiated from within the old or parent course space.
Note: if you wish to share course modules between two of your courses, either export those items to Canvas Commons, making them visible only to yourself, or use the Import "specific content" feature within the destination (new) course space (see the "import specific content" steps above.
This feature enables you to share a specific element (assignment, quiz, discussion, page, survey) from one course space in which you are the instructor, co-instructor, course manager, TA or designer to another instructor (or multiple instructors). The instructor must proactively accept the shared content before copying it into the designated course space.
The designated instructor(s ) will see a blue numeric (usually the number 1) "badge" next to their account avatar in the ELMS-Canvas global toolbar.
See the Canvas Guide "How do I manage content shared to me from other users?" for details on how to accept and import "gifted" content from another ELMS-Canvas course owner.