Accessing files with SSH and SFTP

Table of Contents

All of the following directions assume the initial step of your computer being connected to the Internet. If your machine is not connected to the Internet or you do not have Internet access, then connecting to the remote host will fail.

To connect to remote hosts like Glue, on or off campus, you can use Secure Shell (ssh) or Secure File Transfer Protocol (sftp). SSH & SFTP encrypts all information, like your username and password, over the network.  This cuts down on the chances that your information could be snooped.

From a Microsoft Windows 10 Machine

  1. You'll need an SSH client program. We recommend PuTTY for SSH or WinSCP for SFTP file transfers.
  2. Some example site names are:

From a Macintosh Machine

Mac OS X has a built-in Using SSH with Terminal in Mac OS X that supports SSH. To connect, open the terminal application. Then, type:

  1. ssh site-name
  2. Some example site names are:

From a UNIX/Linux Machine

  1. Open an XTerm or Terminal window.
  2. Once the window is up type in ssh or sftp site name. Some example site names are: