As of 11/15/2024, Workday replaced PHR as UMD's official payroll and human resources system. PHR will temporarily remain available in read-only mode before full decommissioning. The information in this article applies to the PHR affiliates module only. In Workday, an affiliate is entered as a Contingent Worker (Non-Paid Non-Worker type). See the available resources for processing Contingent Workers.
NOTE: All contingent worker services will expire the day after the Contingent Worker end date in Workday.
The Affiliates Module is a separate module of PHR that was implemented on March 31, 2006. It provides a single, integrated system to collect information on affiliates and meet the need for all units to manage affiliate information and the services to be provided to them.
An Affiliate is a person who (1) is not a student, faculty member, or staff member of the University of Maryland, (2) has an affiliation with the university such that it is desired to give him/her limited services, (3) is not on campus to participate only in camps/programs that are sponsored by a non-academic or academic campus department, and (4) does not require a paid or non-paid appointment in the Academic Resource or Payroll Human Resource Systems.
Every affiliate must be sponsored by a UMCP department. The Department Chair or Director is the deciding authority regarding the sponsorship of an affiliate. Further approval is necessary for affiliates who receive services that require an ID card (see below).
Within the department, a designated sponsor must be assigned. The sponsor must be a tenured or tenure-track faculty member or an exempt, regular employee in that department. The sponsor and sponsoring department are fully responsible for the affiliate. When an affiliate is no longer associated with UMCP (deceased, should not be provided with services, etc.), the sponsoring department must immediately update the Affiliate Expiration Date to reflect the actual affiliate status.
Basic Affiliate: a person who is affiliated with the campus, for a longer period than provided by guest passes/accounts (e.g. one-day parking, guest wireless account), is not on campus to participate only in camps/programs that are sponsored by a non-academic or academic campus department, may need a Directory ID, is not a Regular Affiliate, is not a retiree, is not a Research Affiliate, and does not need to receive any other services.
UMCP Retiree: a person who has retired from the University of Maryland. The UMCP retiree receives services limited to those defined by University Human Resources (Retiree campus privileges). Receiving an ID Card is included in the Retiree Campus Privileges guidelines set forth by University Human Resources therefore, the Retiree affiliate type is exempt from the Dean/VP Approval requirement. The University Human Resources Department manages UMCP Retirees.
Regular Affiliate: a person who meets the same criteria as a basic affiliate, but for whom the sponsoring department wants to make available a greater range of services.
Research Affiliate: a person who is given Library access based on a formal Memo of Understanding between the university and a non-university agency or organization. The Office of the VP for Research handles Research Affiliates.
Employee Designee Affiliate: a person that is designated by a University of Maryland College Park employee (Regular Employees, Graduate Assistants, or Contingent 2 Employees - if noted in the contract) to receive Campus-Based privileges. The Employee Designee is eligible to receive services by the guidelines of the University policy, VI-27.00 (A) University of Maryland Policy on Access to Campus-Based Privileges. The University Human Resources Department manages the Employee Designee process and procedures.
Fellow Designee Affiliate: a person who is designated by a University of Maryland College Park fellow (Graduate) to receive Campus-Based privileges. The Fellow Designee is eligible to receive services in accordance with the guidelines of the University policy, VII-4.51(A) UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND POLICY ON ACCESS TO CAMPUS BASED PRIVILEGES FOR GRADUATE ASSISTANTS, GRADUATE FELLOWSHIP RECIPIENTS, AND POSTDOCTORAL FELLOWS. The University Human Resources Department manages the Fellow Designee process and procedures.
M-Square Affiliate: a person approved by the Office of the Vice President for Research as an employee of an M-Square Research Park tenant that is eligible for general access to University services by the guidelines of the University policy, VI-28.00 (A) University of Maryland Policy on Access to University Facilities, Resources and Privileges by M-Square Research Park Affiliates. The Office of the VP for Research handles M-Square Affiliates.
They are affiliated with the campus longer than guest passes and accounts are appropriate (one-day parking, guest wireless account). They may not be on campus to participate in programs that are sponsored by a non-academic or academic campus department. They only need a Directory ID and password to access software applications. This type of affiliate is often a consultant.
They have the same privileges as a basic affiliate but with sponsored access to additional services such as UMD email, Campus Recreation Center membership, and Library privileges. This type of affiliate may include general assistants, high school students, volunteers, and contractors.
A Non-Paid Appointment is appropriate when any of the following apply to a person who is not being paid by the university but has an ongoing and longer-term relationship with the university:
Additionally, Non-Paid Appointments are appropriate when a person:
An Affiliate appointment is appropriate for a person who is not a student or employee, nor paid by the university, to whom the University wants to give limited services or wants to document a shorter-term relationship, and all of the following apply to the person:
Some examples of affiliates are volunteers (Senior Volunteer Service Corp, community service high school students), vendors (depending on the need for services as determined by the sponsoring department), auditors, K-12 faculty/staff, interns, and non-emeriti retirees.
If an Honorarium or Per Diem will be paid via Payroll Services & Accounts Payable, neither a Non-Paid appointment nor an Affiliate record can be processed. This means an individual cannot receive services on campus, i.e. Email, ID Card, Shuttle Bus, etc., and also receive an Honorarium.
Neither a non-paid appointment nor affiliate record is needed in the following one-time only or very sporadic situations and the association does not meet the criteria for a non-paid PHR appointment or affiliate record:
PHR Creators have access to the Affiliate Information screen on the PHR Main Menu. The menu choice: Affiliates is below Employee & Appointment.
Use the Affiliate Data Collection Form PDF to assist in the collection of data necessary to complete the Affiliate Information Screen in the PHR Affiliates module. The Affiliates Tipsheet PDF can be helpful as you work with entering data in the PHR Affiliates module.
Per the University of Maryland Policy on the Collection, Use and Protection of ID Numbers, each affiliate from whom you request a social security number (SSN) must be provided with the following disclosure statement approved by the Data Policy Advisory Committee: Affiliates Notification. This notification must be printed and given to the affiliate or, if the affiliate has an email address, the Affiliate Notification URL should be sent to the affiliate via email. Learn more about affiliate notifications in this PDF.
Display of the Affiliate's SSN is minimized in PHR Affiliates and is only displayed when creators access those records for whom their unit is currently sponsoring. The "view only" version of the Affiliates screen (seen by users with view-only access and by creators accessing a record sponsored by another department) does not display the SSN.
Because the ID card is an official university document, only deans and vice presidents have the authority to approve services for affiliates* that require an ID card. These services are building access, Library services, or Campus Recreation services.
NOTE: UMCP Retiree Affiliates are exempt from this approval process as an ID Card is included in the Retiree Campus Privileges guidelines set forth by University Human Resources.
Effective Monday, September 29, 2008, the Dean and Vice President's approvals of Affiliates with ID Card services were incorporated into the online PHR Affiliates system. By implementing the online approvals, we increased the timeliness in which affiliates with ID Card services are approved, active in campus systems, and eligible for assigned services. The paper forms & email forms are no longer used to obtain the Dean/VP approval.
Once a Creator has completed an affiliate record for an Affiliate with ID Card services, they will release the record for approval. The approval is still done at the Dean/VP level, so when the record is released for approval, it is the appropriate Division level approvers who are notified. The Division level approvers will access PHR Affiliates and approve (or deny) the affiliate records with ID Card services.
Upon release for approval, the Division level approvers of the sponsoring unit will receive an email notification. Upon approval (or denial), all Creators (at the same level at which the record was released, ie. Unit, Dept, or Division) and all Division Approvers (of the sponsoring unit) will receive an email confirmation of the approval (or denial). Only those Creators/Approvers who have email notification turned on for their Employee & Appointment security access will receive emails regarding "Affiliates with ID Card Services".
The Creator can release the completed affiliate record with ID Card services by either:
Likewise, the Approver can approve or deny the released affiliate record with ID Card services by either:
An affiliate record can be created for a maximum of one year and is renewable. An affiliate can be renewed once the Affiliate Expiration Date has passed and the affiliate moves into "Active in a Grace Period" status. The affiliate record should be accessed by the PHR Unit Creator and updated as appropriate and renewed. If no action is taken by the PHR Creator, the affiliation will expire and after 30 days the record will become inactive. Services are terminated immediately upon the record becoming inactive. If the affiliation is ending, the sponsoring unit is responsible for informing the affiliate of the expiration of the affiliation and services associated.
To Creators: A system-generated email will be sent to Creators in sponsoring units listing all their sponsored affiliates who have expired one week prior and whose affiliate records are Active in Grace Period status. The email includes instructions for contacting the sponsor and/or department head if the affiliation should continue as well as a reminder that the sponsor is responsible for notifying the affiliate if the affiliation will not be renewed and sponsored services will end.
To Sponsors: A system-generated email will be sent to the Sponsor listing all their sponsored affiliates who have expired one week prior and whose affiliate records are in an "Active in Grace Period" status. The email includes instructions for contacting their departmental personnel if the affiliation should continue as well as a reminder to the sponsor that they are responsible for notifying the affiliate if the affiliation will not be renewed and sponsored services will end.
To Affiliate: A system-generated email will be sent to the Affiliate two weeks after their affiliate expiration date if their record is still Active in Grace Period status. This will alert the affiliate and prompt them to contact their sponsor and/or sponsoring department regarding the continuation of their affiliation.
Designated departmental staff create/update the affiliate record in PHR and obtain the appropriate approvals. Affiliate data will be available to Service Offices by 9 AM each business day (noon for services that depend on the presence in the university directory) provided the completed and approved affiliate record is in PHR by COB the previous day.
After establishing the approved record in PHR, proceed as indicated below for setting up each service that was assigned to the affiliate in PHR.
Affiliate memberships are sold by Campus Recreation Services at the current faculty/staff rate, on a limited availability basis, with a maximum of 500 memberships available.
ID cards are Needed for library services, campus recreation services, and building access.
Campus alerts must be manually added to the system (and will be active after the process is completed) if they are still working on campus.
However, to update their information or to be removed they must either call the Service Desk (301-405-1500) or put in an incident report to (report an issue). Syncs do not apply to affiliates. They must provide their full name and contact information that they wish to be subscribed with. After completing their project/time on campus they can be removed by the Alerts System Administrator. To do this, a ticket must be submitted in ServiceNow. The following information needs to be added:
Questions should first be directed to the PHR Service Center, x57575. For additional assistance with PHR Affiliates, contact Huifang Pan, x51792, email: