ELMS-Canvas New Quizzes for Instructors


Table of contents


There are two types of quiz authoring tools available within ELMS-Canvas: Classic Quizzes and New Quizzes. Classic Quizzes is the original Canvas quiz tool, while New Quizzes offers a new look and feel to their original quizzing tool. Instructure postponed the retirement of Classic Quizzes indefinitely and is allowing institutions to set their own transition schedule while they make improvements to New Quizzes.

UMD will not announce a timeline for retiring Classic Quizzes until there is movement on the development work described in the New Quizzes Roadmap is complete and the tools for migrating quizzes and question banks are ready. For now, Classic Quizzes is the default quiz authoring tool in all ELMS-Canvas courses, and the New Quizzes tool is a course-level feature option that instructors can enable. 

Important Note: New Quizzes does not work with Quiz Extensions, Design Tools, and does not provide a survey option like in Classic Quizzes. Review New Quizzes vs. Classic Quizzes for more information. According to Canvas permissions, users with a Designer role in ELMS-Canvas does not have access to create and edit New Quizzes.


Who should consider using New Quizzes

New Quizzes has helpful new features, but it is also missing some features that many faculty depend on. Review the New Quizzes vs. Classic Quizzes section carefully to ensure the quizzing and grading features you need are available in New Quizzes. Consider the following when choosing a quizzing tool:


New quizzes vs. classic quizzes

It's important to understand the differences between Classic Quizzes and New Quizzes, particularly if you are already a regular user of Classic Quizzes. For high-level comparison of the two tools, review Canvas | New Quizzes Feature Comparison. Currently, Design Tools does not work with New Quizzes. In addition, the Quiz Extensions tool does not work in New Quizzes, however, there is a built-in feature in New Quizzes that allows instructors to extend time and give additional attempts, as explained in this article. More information about new features and known issues in New Quizzes is provided below:

New features in New Quizzes


Known issues in Canvas Quizzes

To track the status of known issues in both Classic Quizzes and New Quizzes, see Canvas | Known Issues page. This page has been filtered to show known issues of all Canvas Quizzes and their statuses. For other feature gaps and issues, there are links corresponding feature requests in the Canvas Community site.


Getting started

Even though New Quizzes is part of the Canvas LMS, it behaves a little differently than other core Canvas tools because it's an external LTI tool. Here are some pointers to help you get oriented; see the Resources section for detailed instructions.




Get help

Content for this resource was drawn from the Indiana University Knowledge base article About New Quizzes in Canvas, Copyright © 2023 The Trustees of Indiana University.
