New ELMS-Canvas Rich Content Editor (RCE)

Table of contents

On December 21, 2020 Instructure will update the Rich Content Editor (RCE) that is found in any ELMS-Canvas asset in which the Edit option is available. The includes, for example, Pages, Announcements, Assignments, Discussions, Syllabus and Quizzes. The RCE has been streamlined and rearranged, but no functionality has been lost.

Original Rich Content Editor

The original RCE had two tool set areas, a toolbar above the text entry field and a second set of linking options in the right frame of the page.


New Rich Content Editor

The new RCE has consolidated tools, eliminating the palette of Links/Files/Images from the right side of the page. This leaves more space for page layout while still providing the means to link to other parts of the course. It still allows you to access files and images located in the course Files area or an individual’s personal Files area visible via the Account link on the Global navigation menu.

The new RCE displays a menu bar, a toolbar and a text field. You can add content to the text field. You can use the menu bar and toolbar options to add, edit and format your content.



Menu item Menu item function


The edit menu provides quick access to such editorial functions as Undo, Redo, Select All, Copy, Cut, Paste and Paste as Text.


The Fullscreen and HTML Editor tools available from this menu are also available in iconized format below the text field window.


Many of the content insertion options that are visible on the toolbar (for example, link, image, media, documents [files]) are found under the Insert menu. The equation editor and embed code insertion tool is also found here. 


Many of the formatting options that are visible on the toolbar (for example, font size, font face, paragraph style and alignment, and text styles) are also found under the Format menu list.   


The Tools menu provides access to a list of ELMS-Canvas integrations (that is, Apps), such as Adobe Spark and Course Reserves.


The Table menu provides options to manage table elements such as rows, columns and cells.



Formatting tools

These include font size, paragraph formatting, bold, italics, underline, text color, background color or super and sub scripting. The options associated with several of these tools can be expanded by clicking on the down-arrow to the right. For example, click on the down-arrow next to Paragraph to reveal Heading styles.

Formatting toolbar

Linking and embedding content tools

Apps and integrations

Shortcuts have been provided to two frequently used ELMS-Canvas integrations. These enable you to link to a recording housed in the Panopto Recording folder associated with the course or to engage the Design Tools to upload and embed an image at the position of the cursor in the text field. This image insertion option has the advantage of enabling the page designer to crop, select a predefined image size or ratio. The Apps icon (plug) provides access to other integrated tools such as Adobe Spark, Box, Course Reserves and so on.

App integration drop down: Upload/Embed image and View all

Additional tools

Depending on the width of your viewing window other tools may only be visible by clicking on the vertical ellipses icon. The tools options include, paragraph alignment, bullets, indenting, clear formatting, insert table, insert equation and insert embed code.

Addtional tools icon highlighted in toolbar



The Accessibility Checker tool has also transferred from the old RCE and is located below the text field.

Contact the Service Desk if you have questions about ELMS-Canvas file management options or see help information about Files and file management.

See also the New Rich Content Editor Guide video overview.
