Get Instructor Access to an ELMS-Canvas Course Space

Faculty who are new to UMD can gain access to an ELMS-Canvas course space through the following process:
  1. New faculty must be placed on a college or departmental payroll.
  2. Faculty will be enrolled in the UMD Directory and provided with Directory ID and password credentials.
  3. Once faculty have been added to the UMD Directory, a department scheduler can enter the faculty member into Teacher Collect, in association with courses to be taught.
  4. The previous action updates UMEG and associates the instructor with the term's courses which, in turn, generates an ELMS-Canvas course space associated with the instructor's Directory ID. 
  5. The instructor will then be able to log into ELMS-Canvas and begin developing the course space.
Enrollments from the Student Information System (SIS) are not mapped to a course space until that space is associated with an instructor's Directory ID.