Classroom Response System: Create and Register a New Clickers Account - Students

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Instructional and assessment delivery for engagement and student feedback.  To use Clickers in your classes, you must create a Clickers account with PointSolutions (formerly TurningPoint) and register your Clicker or mobile device in association with the account. NOTE:  You must register the same email address you use in ELMS-Canvas when creating your Clickers/PointSolutions account.

First-time users of PointSolutions/Clickers need to start by creating their account via ELMS-Canvas and then registering their response device.

Create your PointSolutions (Clickers) account

First-time users of PointSolutions/Clickers need to start by creating their account via ELMS-Canvas:

  1. Log in to ELMS-Canvas and sign in with your UMD credentials (<Directory ID> and your passphrase).
    • Note that you should use your address as the default address in your ELMS-Canvas account and to log into PointSolutions -- this will enable PointSolutions to link with your account on ELMS-Canvas. (Do not use your address.)
  2. Select a course where you will be using Clickers.
  3. Select Clickers from the left side navigation menu panel.
  4. A new window will open asking you to sign in to PointSolutions. Use your UMD credentials to sign in here.
  5. You will be asked to sign in with your UMD credentials via the University's Central Authentication Service.
  6. A New User Registration page will open. Your UMD email address and course Role will show on the form. Select your Country and enter your First Name and Last Name.
  7. Select the box next to I agree to PointSolutions User License Agreement. Click Continue.
  8. The Welcome! page will open. Follow instructions in the next section to register your device.


Register your Device

  1. Follow the steps in the Create your PointSolutions (Clickers) account section of this article to navigate to the Welcome! page.
  2. From the Welcome! page, click Let's get started.
  3. You will be directed to a registration process window. Click Next.
  4. You will be given the choice to add a clicker number, purchase a clicker, or indicate use of a mobile device.
  5. If you are using a physical Clicker device, enter your Clicker ID (on the back of a Clicker device).
  6. If you plan to use only your mobile device to participate in Clickers sessions, select the radio button next to Only use mobile device. Click Next.
  7. The process window for ELMS-Canvas will be prefilled with ELMS-Canvas and your User ID. Click Next.
  8. You will have an option to watch two brief tutorials to help get you started using Clickers. Click Finish when you have completed the tutorials.

NOTE: If students have previously set up an account with a non-UMD email address (e.g.,, or have registered with two email addresses, they must contact Echo360 Support or call 1 (877) 324-6360 (1-877-ECHO360) to resolve the issue before their Clickers results/grades can be uploaded to ELMS-Canvas.  Other issues related to unsuccessful Clicker responses should also be directed to Echo360 support.


Subscription Purchase for PointSolutions (Clickers)

  1. Login to your PointSolutions account.
  2. Click North/South America LOGIN link and login to your account.
  3. Click the person icon in the upper-right corner and select Profile.
  4. Under Subscriptions click Add or Purchase a Subscription.
  5. Click the Go Purchase a Subscription button. This will take you to:
  6. Select the subscription plan you want and click Add to Cart.
  7. Click Checkout Now to start the purchase process.


Access polls during class

You can answer polls during class using your mobile device, a physical Clickers device, or via the Web.  Some instructors may require a certain response device (e.g., the physical Clicker device); verify with your instructor before class if there is any preferred response device.

Mobile users

Physical Clickers users

Web participation 

You can also respond to questions via the Internet (without using a mobile or physical Clickers device).


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