Turnitin Originality Checker for Students

The Turnitin originality checker is an ELMS-Canvas integration that is deployed via the Assignment tool. Instructors determine which content resources, word count threshold and report sharing options will be used in association with the tool and shared with students.

The Division of Information Technology will work with other University of Maryland groups, such as Undergraduate Studies, the Office of Student Conduct and the Teaching and Learning Transformation Center to develop "best practices" for the use of the tool.

Instructions for submitting a Turnitin assignment, navigating the Turnitin Feedback Studio, interpreting the Assignment Summary and Similarity Report (when shared by instructors), as well as details about acceptable file types and sizes and accessibility options, are provided in the following Turnitin documentation:

NOTE: The information provided by Turnitin related to the tool is meant as a general guide. While the UMD ELMS-Canvas interface looks different than the generic Canvas interface displayed in these documents and videos, the functionality of the Turnitin tool remains the same. Instructors will provide specific instructions to students related to their use preferences.