Install Microsoft Office 365 on Windows

Microsoft Office 365 is a cloud-based productivity software package that allows you to access Microsoft Office applications through Windows and OS X operating systems. Office 365 also allows you to utilize Microsoft's OneDrive cloud-based storage application for expanded online storage space.

NOTE: Existing versions of Office applications must be removed from your computer or device before installing Office 365. If these versions are not removed, the applications will be overwritten.

To learn how to install Microsoft Office 365 on Windows, follow the steps listed below:

  1. Go to MS Office Online Portal
  2. Click Sign in at the top right of the window. Enter your and passphrase in the Sign in and Password fields respectively. Complete the authentication process.
  3. Click the Install Office link in the upper right corner of the new page.
  4. An Office Setup file will begin downloading to your Downloads folder.
  5. Once the download has completed, locate the Office Setup file in your Downloads folder. Double-click the Office Setup file icon to begin installation.
  6. The Office Installation wizard will open and begin automatically installing the Office suite of applications to your computer.
    NOTE: Installation may take some time. Allow it to continue uninterrupted.
  7. When installation is complete, an Office is installed window will open. Click Close to close this window and begin using Office applications.
  8. Office Applications such as Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Access will be added to the list of available programs on your computer. These applications will also be personalized for your convenience. Additionally, icons for a few of these applications will be added to the Windows Taskbar.
    NOTE: When you first open one of the newly-installed applications, you may be asked to activate Office Automatic Updates (You may need to login again when accessing the installed office software for the first time). You will be prompted to do so by a First things first window that will be displayed upon opening one of the Office applications. When that window appears, click Accept in its lower right corner to accept Office Automatic Updates and begin using your application.