Kuali Financial System (KFS) Statement of Payroll Charges (SOPC) Report

In this article:

About the KFS statement of payroll charges reports

Kuali Financial System (KFS) Statement of Payroll Charges (SOPC) reports contain labor data from Payroll, Human Resource, Time & Leave Tracking System (PHR) system and correction data from KFS Salary Transfers. The SOPC will be updated and available every other Friday (payday). If the university's payday shifts due to State of Maryland requirements, the KFS SOPC should follow those changes.

Accessing the KFS SOPC report

The KFS SOPC can be accessed through the KFS Web website and will contain the same access formatting as all other reports in KFS. To access a KFS SOPC, you must go to the current KFS Enterprise Reports tab to access different report links (i.e. account, sub-department, department, division, etc.). You will then scroll to the Labor Ledger portion of each different report type and find the KFS SOPC in the Enterprise Reports page.

The KFS SOPC will display the full 7-digit KFS account number and will contain data for fiscal year 2014 & 2015. All other fiscal years will be housed on the former Financial Records System (FRS) SOPC.


SOPC report format

The SOPC report is presented in an identical format as it predecessor.

Each employee will have a line item with current and YTD wages, correction data, employer paid subsidies, and salary encumbrances.

SOPC corrections

SOPC corrections (Salary Transfers, 10/12 accruals, and other corrections) will be reflected on the SOPC report for the pay period of the actual correction. This is a change from the former FRS SOPC, as the FRS SOPC report reflected corrections on the report when the correction was processed. If you have a need for the initial SOPC by pay period (less corrections), you should print a copy and retain the information until the system allows a monthly static report, which should be available in the near future.

SOPC download

A SOPC download function is available. This function will allow you to download SOPC data in an Excel format. The download feature will create a separate line item for any employee record that contains a current salary encumbrance.

Links to SOPC reports


Links to SOPC Downloads